The suspension of the merger between PKN Orlen and Lotos was demanded by MPs Agnieszka Pomaska, Tadeusz Aziewicz and MEP Janusz Lewandowski during the conference on Monday (8 March).
Agnieszka Pomaska, Tadeusz Aziewicz and Janusz Lewandowski organized a press conference in front of the Lotos headquarters in Gdańsk. Opposition representatives demanded the suspension of the merger of PKN Orlen and Lotos and information on the level of advancement of this takeover at present. In their opinion, the merger is harmful both for the interests of Poland and Pomerania. We would like to remind you that PKN Orlen received conditional approval from the European Commission to take over Grupa Lotos.
– We are convinced and fears that the process of taking over by Orlen Lotos, and in fact the sale of national assets, which is carried out by Mateusz Morawiecki and Daniel Obajtek, is opaque and non-transparent. I will say more: this so-called The merger – and in fact, I would like to emphasize once again, the sale of national assets – is as transparent as the property declarations of Mr. Daniel Obajtek and as transparent as for the property benefits of Prime Minister Morawiecki. You yourself know what this transparency looks like – transferring property to a wife, mother, hiding what should be open and transparent. This is our first and basic objection. Therefore, we are calling today to suspend this so-called mergers and clarification of what is happening with the estates of these two gentlemen – said Agnieszka Pomaska during the press conference. – Secondly, at the next sitting of the Sejm, we will demand information on this matter – at what stage is this merger, but most of all we will demand detailed information, detailed expert opinions – the MP continued.