219th Anniversary of enaction of the Constitution on May 3rd.


5th May 2010

Deputy Agnieszka Pomaska has taken part in celebrations of 219th anniversary of the Constitution of May 3rd in Gdansk. Ceremony was attended by state authorities, local government and church representants and the diplomatic service. It was held at the monument of Jan III Sobieski at Targ Drzewny, Gdansk.

About the Constitution.

Constitution of May 3rd was enacted in the 1791. It was the first moder Constituition in Europe and second (after USA constitution from 1787) in the world. It was designed to eliminate long-standing deficiencies of the current political system of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its golden freedom. The Constitution introduced political equalization of citizens and nobles, and placed the peasants under the protection of the state. The Constitution abolished pernicious institutions such as the liberum veto.

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Biuro Poselskie Agnieszki Pomaskiej, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, IV piętro), 80-244 Gdańsk