Hans-Gert Pöttering in Gdansk


October 11 was the day that Hans-Gert Pöttering, the former President of the European Parliament, visited Gdansk after invitation from Krzysztof Lisek MEP. Mr Pöttering attended a meeting with students of Ateneum University in Gdansk and young politicians from The Young Democrats Association (Stowarzyszenie „Młodzi Demokraci”, a youth of the Civic Platform Party).

Addressing the young audience our guest discussed problems, challenges and present possibilites for youth in the United Europe. Participants also asked about Mr Pöttering opinion on future integration processes involving Ukraine’s membership in the UE or UE relations with Russia.

The meeting was organised by the Civic Education Development Center CREO who’s Chairman of the Board is Agnieszka Pomaska and Young Democrats Association. It took place at the Ateneum premises.

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