Agnieszka Pomaska: „Jaroslaw Kaczynski is a mute candidate”


14th May 2010

– Chat is something that is going 'live’. Here we had announcements and then half of day of authorizations. – that’s how deputy from CP Agnieszka Pomaska commented on the first appearence of Jaroslaw Kaczynski after the Smolensk catastrophy


Deputy pointed out that part of decisions concerning the campaign are made behind the candidate himself and described Jaroslaw Kaczynski as „mute candidate”.

When candidate from Law and Justice party will appear on press conference and let himself be asked question on camera? – We don’t know that. I heard about his appearence, but we hear about it for a few days. I do not know whether he is afraid of something, or his staff officers are, but it is a long time tfor preparing a public appearence – concludes deputy of CP.

Jacek Gądek

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