Luxembourg and the six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union


Starting today, the rotating six-month presidency of the Council of the EU will be in the hands of one of the smallest, yet most experience member states. Luxembourg will have to deal with many pressing issues, including the Greek debt crisis, an increase in irregular migration and the preparation for the climate change conference in Paris in December.

Presidency of the Council of the European Union, whose members national ministers, is exercised by one of the 28 member states, for six months. The country holding the EU helm of the Council, chaired meetings, elaborated on the agreement between EU members and negotiates between the institutions on the proposed draft legislation. Schedule of rotation of the Presidency here.

Plenary sessions and committee meetings

Twice a year, representatives of the Presidency of the receiving country appear at the plenary session of the European Parliament to present the priorities for the coming six months.


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