„We will restore order and order in Poland, including when it comes to women’s rights.” EPP Women spring academy in Munich.


The EPP Women spring academy was held in Munich on May 5-6. The event was attended by deputy chairwoman of the women’s faction of the European People’s Party, MP Agnieszka Pomaska.

MP Pomaska commented on the event on her Facebook profile:

„The spring academy of EPP Women – the women’s faction of the European People’s Party, to which PO belongs – has just ended. Among 60 women from 21 countries, I spoke about the situation of women in Poland, the civic project #TakDlaInVitro and the upcoming election campaign. But the biggest applause came from my promise that after the autumn elections we will restore order and order in Poland, including when it comes to women’s rights. Thank you girls for this great experience and amazing time we’ve spent in Munich!

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Biuro Poselskie Agnieszki Pomaskiej, al. Grunwaldzka 82 (CH Manhattan, IV piętro), 80-244 Gdańsk